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Section 2 This Local has been established and exists by virtue of a charter issued by the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada (herein-after called the “National Union”) pursuant to the Constitution of the National Union.
Section 3 The Local includes the following bargaining units:
All employees of the Public Service Alliance of Canada employed … (The bargaining unit composition will be finalized in the current round of bargaining with the PSAC.)
(a) To improve wages, hours of work, job security and to secure working conditions conducive to safety and good health;
(b) To promote human rights and strive for equality regardless of race, creed, colour, age, marital status, family status, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, language, social condition, religious beliefs, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, record of offence or political affiliation and speak out against human rights violations;
(c) To advance economic, social, political and cultural interests; to disseminate information among workers regarding economic, social, political and other matters affecting their lives and welfare;
(d) To ensure fair representation of units within composite locals and promote mutual support and solidarity through the Local’s internal structures and activities;
(e) To give assistance and encouragement to organizations in organizing workers and to engage in such other activities as may be necessary or proper to strengthen the labour movement and to extend the process of collective bargaining;
(f) To secure legislation safeguarding and promoting economic security and the social welfare of all workers;
(g) To safeguard, protect and extend civil rights and liberties within a free and democratic trade union and society;
(h) To promote the policies and goals of the National Union.
Section 2 This Local shall endeavour to accomplish the foregoing purposes by organizing the unorganized workers within its jurisdiction, educating its membership, negotiating collective bargaining agreements with employers, securing progressive legislation, affiliating with national, provincial, territorial, and district labour bodies and by all other appropriate means within the National Union.
The headquarters and main office of this Local shall be Ottawa or such other place as may be designated by the Local Executive or by the membership
Section 2 The Local shall meet at least two (2) times per year at such place and on such a date as the Local or the Local Executive shall decide. The time, place and date of the meeting shall be properly posted so that all members may attend.
Section 3 The President may call a special meeting of the Local at the request of the Local Executive or on the written request of twenty (20) % of members in good standing. Notice of a special meeting shall be given to the members at least seven days before the meeting. In the case of an emergency, the notice can be reduced to forty eight (48) hours. The notice shall include the date, time and place of meeting and state the purpose for which the meeting is called. No business other than that for which the meeting is called may be transacted at a special meeting.
Section 4 Quorum for the purpose of transacting any business by the Local shall consist of not less than ten (10) % of members in good standing. A regular meeting may transact any and all business coming before it without prior notice of the business to be transacted at such meeting, except as otherwise specifically provided in these By-Laws. Unless otherwise specifically provided by the By-Laws, all decisions of a local meeting shall be by a simple majority of the members voting.
Section 5 Given proper notice, the Local Union may authorize a bargaining unit or group within a unit to hold regular or special meetings, as may be required to transact bargaining unit matters or address special concerns.
Section 6 Unit groups will not take any action which conflicts with either the Local Union By-Laws or National Union Constitution. All actions not specifically authorized by any unit group shall be subject to review by the Local Union.
Section 7 Under conditions specified in Sections 5 and 6, the Local Union recognizes the power of its bargaining units to make decisions concerning:
i) Election of bargaining unit committees; ii) Election of bargaining unit delegates on the Local Executive ; iii) Appointment of stewards; iv) Appointment of members on joint union-employer consultation committees.
Section 8 The order of business at the regular meetings shall be set by the Local Executive in such a manner as to promote the objectives set out in Article II.
Section 9 The rules of order not specifically covered by these By-Laws or the Constitution of the National Union shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 10 Proxy voting will be afforded to members who work and reside outside of the National Capital Region and to members who are employed and normally work in the NCR who are on authorized leave or working outside the region for their employer or for the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, on all matters before the membership.
Section 11 The Local shall schedule meetings and activities in a manner that facilitates the participation of all members in good standing.
Section 1 The Officers of this Local shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Vice-President for component bargaining units, a Vice-President - Regions, a Vice-President – Human Rights, a Vice-President - Health and Safety, a Chief Shop Steward, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
Section 2 All Officers will promote and work towards the promotion and the realization of the objectives set out in Article II.
Section 3 Nominations and Elections
All officers, except for the Vice-President- Regions, shall be elected during the first Local membership meeting. Subsequently, all officers, except for the Vice-President- Regions, will be elected during the first Local meeting after the ratification of the collective agreement.
Nominations for all officers, except for the Vice-President- Regions, shall be made at the local meeting. No nominee shall be placed on the ballot unless he/she signified his/her acceptance of the nomination either in person or by written notification submitted to the meeting at which nominations are made. Only votes for candidates duly nominated and properly on the ballot shall be counted.
Section 4 The election for the Vice-President - Regions will be conducted by mail ballot of all eligible members who work in the Regions. Nominations will be carried out by mail. Only members of the bargaining unit will be eligible to vote for the position of Vice-President for their bargaining unit. Only members who self-identify as members of equity groups will be eligible to vote for the position of Vice-President – Human Rights.
Section 5 Eligibility
No member shall be eligible for nomination or election to any office in this Local or the bargaining unit, or as a delegate to the National Union Convention or as a representative of this Local, or any subordinate body of the National Union unless he/she is a member in good standing.
Section 6 Terms of Office
Terms of Local Officers will not exceed three years. No person will serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same position.
All officers shall hold office until their successors are elected and installed. Installation of officers shall occur at the close of the meeting were the elections have taken place. The outgoing officers shall immediately turn over all papers, money, rights, titles, chattels, books, records, property and assets belonging to the Local to their successor or to the President of the Local.
Section 7 Vacancies
In case of vacancy in the office of President, the First Vice-President shall immediately assume all responsibilities of that office for the unexpired term. Vacancies in other offices shall be filled by election in the same manner as that required for regular elections and within sixty (60) days).
Section 8 Duties of the President
Section 9 Duties of the First Vice-President
Section 10 Duties of the Vice-President for component bargaining units
Section 11 Duties of the Vice-President - Regions
Section 12 Duties of the Vice-President – Human Rights
Section 13 Duties of the Vice-President – Health and Safety
Section 14 Duties of the Chief Shop Steward
Section 15 Duties of the Secretary
Section 16 Duties of the Treasurer
Section 2 Duties of the Trustees
The Trustees shall examine and audit the books and records of the Local Union at least four (4) times a year and shall submit a written report on each audit to the Local Union and to the National Secretary-Treasurer in such manner and at such times as the National Secretary-Treasurer may require, and have such further powers and duties as may be provided by the Local Union By-Laws.
Section 1 There shall be a Local Executive consisting of the officers of the Local Union.
Section 2 The Local Executive shall be the highest governing authority within the Local between meetings of the Local and shall exercise general supervision over its business and affairs. It shall have power, subject to the approval of the Local and the provisions of the National Union Constitution, to invest the funds and properties of the Local, to authorize the expenditures of the Local or the use of the property of the Local to give effect any of its objects and to pledge any property or securities of the Local as security therefore, and to buy, sell, exchange, rent, lease or otherwise acquire or dispose of real or personal property, and shall fix the salaries or honorarium, if any, of the elective officers and any employees. It shall present a report of its activities to each meeting of the Local.
Section 3 All requests for contributions and donations to individuals or organizations shall first be submitted to the Local Executive for its consideration and recommendations. Requests for contributions or donations which exceed two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) shall be submitted to the membership. Requests for financial aid from a Local of the National Union shall require the endorsement of the National President before consideration shall be given to it.
Section 4 It shall be the duty of the Local Executive to cause the provisions of the National Union Constitution and the By-Laws, rules and regulations of this Local to be faithfully executed; to foster a union committed to the inclusion and participation of all of its members including members who work in the region; and to preserve, promote and safeguard the best interests and general welfare of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, this Local and the members. The Local Executive may adopt such rules and regulations not in conflict with the National Union Constitution and these By-Laws, as it may deem necessary and advisable.
Section 5
a) The Local Executive shall meet at least once a month, at such times and places as it shall determine. The Local Executive shall meet face to face at least twice (2) per year.
b) Special meetings of the Local Executive may be called at any time by the President or by three members of the Local Executive. Notices of such special meetings will provide at least twenty four (24) hours verbal or written notice to the Local Executive of the business to be transacted.
c) A majority of the members of the Local Executive shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.
The Local shall have standing committees who will be mandated to provide the Local Executive and the membership with recommendations to promote the rights of the membership and the union in relation to their assigned topic. The Local Executive will ensure that the composition of the standing Committees is representative of the membership. Each Committee will develop their Committee terms of reference and will present these terms of reference to the membership for ratification. Additional committees or working groups can be created as required.
Benefits Committee
The Benefits Committee shall assess and monitor existing benefits such as pension; health care benefits; optical and drug benefits, retiree benefits and/or any new benefits implemented from time to time and make recommendations to the Local Executive, membership and the Local bargaining committee.
Health & Safety Committee
The Health & Safety Committee shall monitor our workplaces and work processes to ensure they are safe and healthy for all members; develop relevant policies as may be deemed necessary; ensure the workplaces and work processes are in accordance with the provisions of applicable health and safety legislation; participate and remain current in all necessary training offered by the CEP and/or any affiliated body.
Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee shall be responsible for the administration and resolution of all grievances and give recommendation to the Local Executive regarding proceeding to Arbitration; report to the Local Executive on a regular basis.
Human Rights Committee
The Human Rights Committee shall have the mandate to promote human rights in the workplace and within the union; monitor workplace policies, rules and practices in order to ensure the removal of employment barriers and the implementation of remedial measures; propose measures to foster an inclusive and welcoming workplace and advocate on behalf of equity group members.
Education Committee
The Education Committee shall organize, promote, develop, supervise and direct labour education among the members of the Local by organizing courses and study circles through which members will increase awareness and skills to promote their rights and the objectives of their Union.
The following procedures apply at both the bargaining unit and Local levels.
Section 1 Notices as to the date of nominations and elections of officers shall be placed on bulletin boards, not less than fifteen (15) days in advance, and reasonable efforts shall be made to notify all members.
Section 2 The election of officers, delegates and representatives shall be by a simple majority vote of the votes cast (50% + 1 of votes cast) in a secret ballot at the election meeting. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the election, notice of election shall be posted. Any candidate may have an observer at the polls and at the counting of the ballots. In the event no candidate for office receives a simple majority of the votes cast, the two nominees receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot shall be the nominees on the second ballot and the balloting shall continue at the same meeting. Each member shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 3 At the meeting for nominating officers, the membership shall elect an Elections Committee of two (2) members, whose duty it shall be to safeguard the secrecy and honesty of the election, prepare and count the ballots, and announce the results of the election in a signed statement. The Elections Committee shall preserve all ballots and other records pertaining to the election for one year after the election. In cases of an election complaint, the complaining member or candidate shall submit the complaint in writing to the Secretary within forty-eight (48) hours after the election results have been announced (with a copy at the same time to the National President). Then the Secretary will forward the complaint to the President of the Election Committee within forty-eight (48) hours. Such complaint shall be heard and determined promptly by the Election Committee. A new election may be ordered only if it is determined that the matter complained of might reasonably have changed the results of the election.
Section 1 Eligibility
a) Any worker within the jurisdiction of bargaining units of this Local shall be eligible to apply for membership in this Local.
b) No person shall hold membership simultaneously in this Local and another Local of the National Union.
Section 2 Members in good standing have the right to:
Section 3 Revenue
a) Per capita to the National Union shall be as provided in the Constitution of the National Union.
b) Each member of this Local shall pay dues to the Local Union at minimum in an amount equal to one hour of basic pay per month.
Section 1 The President of the Local shall be chairperson of the delegation and the first delegate to all CEP National Conventions. Additional delegates (in accordance with Article 8 of the CEP Constitution) shall be elected by secret ballot vote at a membership meeting. If a meeting is not held, the Local Executive will be permitted to select the delegates.
Section 2 Should the Local union be entitled to delegate status at any other CEP, CLC or trade union central convention or conference, and the local executive choose to act on that entitlement; the appropriate number of delegates will be selected by secret ballot vote at a membership meeting. If a meeting is not held, the Local Executive will be permitted to select the appropriate number of delegates.
Section 1 Any member who is in good standing and has paid his/her dues for the month in which a transfer is requested may transfer his/her membership to another Local of the National Union. Upon application he/she shall receive a transfer card to the Local to which he/she desires to be transferred, valid for no more than three months.
Section 2 Any member who is in good standing and has paid his/her dues for the month in which withdrawal is requested, may withdraw from membership upon leaving employment within the jurisdiction of the National Union, and shall receive a withdrawal card. Thereafter, the withdrawing member shall lose all rights and privileges of a member of this Local and the National Union and shall be exempt from the payment of further dues and assessments.
A member who has withdrawn may subsequently be reinstated without any break in his/her membership standing and without payment of an initiation fee if the withdrawal card is presented to the Secretary of the Local having jurisdiction of the members within thirty (30) days of the return to the Union’s jurisdiction. Failure to present the card within the time limit specified herein shall void the rights and privileges granted by such withdrawal card.
Section 1 No funds or property of this Local shall be loaned, given or expended to promote, support, endorse, assist or oppose directly or indirectly the candidacy of a member seeking office or seeking to retain office in the National Union or any of its locals.
Section 2 No funds or property of this Local shall be given away or expended to assist any seceding, dual or antagonistic organization, or any local which is violating the Constitution of the National Union. The funds and property of this Local shall be used only to give effect to the purposes and objects of this Local under and subject to the provisions of the National Union Constitution.
Section 1 When on Local or bargaining unit business, Local Executive members or other previously authorized member(s) shall, upon presentation of receipt, be reimbursed for loss of pay, lodging, parking and travelling expenses in accordance with Local guidelines.
Section 2 Use of personnel vehicle for union business should be reimbursed in accordance with Local guidelines.
Section 3 In all cases, authorization must be obtained before any expenses are incurred.
All the terms and provisions of the Constitution of the National Union shall be deemed a part of these By-Laws.
In the event of a conflict between these By-Laws and the provisions of the Constitution of the National Union, the Constitution of the National Union shall prevail.
This Local has no power to make any contract or incur any liability binding upon the National Union, without the written consent of the President of the National Union and the approval of the National Executive Board. The National Union shall not be liable under any contract or for any acts of this Local or its officers or its members unless they have been authorized in writing to enter into such contract or perform such acts.
Every member of this union shall be entitled to a just and impartial trial for any offence of which he may be charged, in accordance with Article 17 of the National Constitution.
The Local Executive shall have the power to levy a per capita assessment, in addition to dues, upon the members of this Local provided that the amount and method of payment of such assessment has first been approved by the majority of those voting in a secret ballot among the members in good standing of the Local either at a regular or special meeting or in a membership referendum. Notice of the proposed assessment shall be given to the members at least ten (10) days before the vote is to be taken.
Section 1 These By-Laws shall become effective when ratified by a majority of the members present at a meeting and approved by the National Union President.
Section 2 Any provision of these By-Laws may be modified, amended or repealed, or new By-Laws may be adopted, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members voting on the question, at a regular meeting, or special meeting called for that purpose, provided, however, that a fifteen (15) day notice of the proposed amendment, modification of repeal has been given to the members. This Local has no power to modify, amend or repeal any of the terms and provisions of the Constitution of the National Union.
Presented at Local meeting held on November 18th 2010.
Approved at Local meeting held on November 10th 2010.
Amended at Local meeting held on March 7th 2013.
Bargaining 2022-2023
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