Latest news

Bargaining Team

December 15

Bargaining continued on Friday. Progress continues but a number of key issues for our members remain unresolved. The employer still has concessions on the table.

During the month of January, we will be producing bulletins on these key issues and concessions. We will also be working with our mobilization committee to develop new activities in support of our demands leading up to the next round of bargaining.

We will be back in negotiations from February 13 to 16, 2018.

December 14

We had another productive day of bargaining. Negotiations are progressing. We will be meeting with the employer again  tomorrow. 

The Return of the Holiday Party




UNIFOR Local 2025 has decided to host the festivity this year because….fun….!




Call for nominations

Our current Treasurer Andrée Côté is on long-term leave and has stepped down from her position.  An election will take place to fill the vacancy. 

Nominations are now open for this position.

You may nominate yourself or have another member nominate you.  No seconder is required for the nomination.

We will be conducting the voting by electronic ballot on the Local 2025 website.  Please provide a short statement of no more than 150 words in support of your candidacy. We will have it translated and send it to the members before the vote is held.

Nominations will close at end of day on Wednesday June 28, 2017.

Come hear more about this report’s recommendations with our guests:

Hindia Mohamoud & Chelby Daigle


Friday May 26th
J.K. Wylie boardroom
Noon to 1:00 p.m.

Looking for a way to get involved in your union?
Have ideas for Local activities?
Want to connect with other Local members?

Then don't miss our Unifor Committee Fair

Thursday May 18th
J.K. Wylie board room
Noon to 1:00 p.m.

Learn more about our Local's standing committees
Sign up for a committee - or even start a committee
Get to know your Local comrades

There’s food! Pizza will be served and the music will be groovy!

Local 2025 is putting on a two-hour orientation session for interested members.

Monday, May 8
12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m.
J.K. Wyllie boardroom

Arrangements have been made with the PSAC for members to use their lunch hour and to have one additional hour in order to attend the session.

This session will be delivered in English but a session in French will be delivered on Monday, May 29.

If you want to attend, please send a reply email so that we have an idea of numbers.

You do not need to submit a leave request for the session but please advise your coordinator or supervisor that you wish to attend.


Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Ottawa

Unifor Local 2025, PSAC and several other partners/donors contributed to the release of this report which is worth reading.

The report is only available in English at the moment.

Here is the report of the Local 2025 Elections Committee with information about the results of the February 9, 2017 elections.

My thanks to the Committee for all their work.

Rachel Besharah, President


We would like to thank and congratulate our newly acclaimed Unifor Local 2025 Executive members as follows:

On October 20 to 23, Abudi Awaysheh a member of our local in Vancouver, attended the Canadian Labour Congress’ 2nd National Human Rights Convention titled “Rise Up! 2016 – Live the Change” in Ottawa. Over one thousand people were in attendance, including guests from Canada’s Territorial and Provincial Federations of Labour, as well as Delegates and elected Union leaders from every National, Provincial and Territorial Union across the country, including many Unifor locals.

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