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Our current Treasurer Brenda Frieday is taking early retirement effective October 1st. The executive thank Brenda for her work on behalf of the members and the Local.

Nominations are now open for this position.

You may nominate yourself or have another member nominate you.  No seconder is required for the nomination.

We will be conducting the voting by electronic ballot on the Local 2025 website.

Please provide a short statement in support of your candidacy of no more than 150 words which will be sent to the members before the vote is held.

Nominations will close on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 

Dear Members:

I am writing to let you know that I will be acting as the Co-director of the Joint Learning Program (JLP) until December 31, 2015.

As you may know the one JLP Co-Director (PSAC), Catherine Gilbert, is currently acting as the Director of the Membership Programs Branch while a new Director is hired. The other JLP Co-Director (Treasury Board) has just left the Program. To ensure some stability for the Program, I was requested and have agreed to this acting assignment.

picure of Michael Desautel

Dear members,

Please find a summary video of the 2015 Canadian Council at the link below:



I was very inspired by the enthusiasm and energy of the delegates at this Council. Thank you for being a part of Unifor and building our union.

In solidarity,

Jerry Dias

Unifor National President

PSAC Transition Process image

PSAC is starting to put in place plans for a transition of the union. This transition was approved by the PSAC convention earlier this year and referred to at a conference call meeting of all staff with Robyn Benson and Chris Aylward on May 20.

Several weeks ago, President Benson sent an update on the transition process to the National Board of Directors and the management team. This XO/21 was provided to some PSAC staff but not all. A copy is attached.

The transition has the potential to have a significant impact on many of our members. Once I received a copy of the XO, I wrote to Sister Benson asking that our Local be included early in the planning process for the consultation which will take place. A copy of my letter is attached.

Seeking a representative to work on employment equity training

Unifor Local 2025 is looking for a member to work on a sub-committee of the Joint Employment Equity Committee (JEEC). The sub-committee will be responsible for developing an education and training plan for PSAC staff about the new employment equity plan. The plan itself is in the final stages of development.

The sub-committee, which will consist of one member per staff union and several employer representatives, will work closely with the members of the JEEC over a period ranging from six to 12 months, starting soon. The sub-committee is expected to meet about once a month (by teleconference) during regular working hours.

The executive members of Local 2025 sent to the annual meeting of the Unifor Canadian Council the following resolution:

The executive members of Local 2025 propose that the following resolution be sent to the upcoming annual meeting of the Unifor Canadian Council.

Please indicate by return email if you support or do not support this resolution. The deadline for replying is end of day, Thursday, July 2.

Friday May 1 – Resist Austerity

4pm – Gather at the Human Rights Monument

5pm – March Begins

6pm – Converge at Prime Ministers’ Office (corner Wellington and Elgin)

The noise: Everyone is welcome to attend the annual May Day march against austerity! Bring your noise makers, pots and pans, and drums to ensure that the march is vibrant and loud!

Consultation regarding working in French at PSAC

A joint committee has been studying the issue of working in French at PSAC and have prepared a draft policy that is now being circulated for consultation. Local 2025 member Andrée Côté is our representative on the joint committee.

The consultation will take place in three stages. The first stage will be with our francophone members. The next stage will be consultation with the Joint Employment Equity Committee (JEEC). The final stage will be consultation with all Local 2025 members employed by PSAC. The other unions on the joint committee who were involved with drafting the policy are conducting their consultation in a similar manner.

Consultation details:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

J.K. Wyllie/J.C. Carlo Boardrooms

4:30 p.m.

The meeting is being held to discuss Unifor’s policy regarding the representation of union staff. A copy of the policy is attached.


Dave Moffat, Assistant to the President of Unifor

Michelle Arruda, Unifor national representative

The call-in number for members not able to attend the meeting in person will be sent out closer to the meeting date.


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